Art by Chrissy!

Lazy Afternoons

Alois Cedric Chamomile
Dream World Researcher, Former Assistant to Professor Burnet

Into Dreams

Alois always had a passion for research, and pursued a scientific degree at the University of Castelia. He wasn't quite sure what he wished to specialize in, until he heard of the research being done by his upperclassmen Fennel and Burnet. Their new study into Pokémon Somnology caught his interest, and he spent his four years in college as a lab tech while getting a Bachelors in Biology. When Burnet graduated with her Doctorate, Alois followed to become her assistant in testing out new technology.Their major joint project was the Dream Radar, a device which allows a waking person to see into the Interdream Zone by looking through the apparatus at pure Dream Mist. Professor Burnet developed the device and monitored it's usage along with Alois' vitals, while Fennel collected the mist from the Dream Yard and did research on the Dream World directly from her lab in Striaton City. Alois was equipped with the Radar, moving in a pressure controlled chamber full of Dream Mist. By accessing the Interdream Zone, they encountered and captured several Pokémon who were able to travel out from the dimension of unconsciousness and come to the "real" world. Fennel's research also bore fruit, observing the movements of sleeping Pokémon within the Dream World, and directing their actions to befriend the Pokémon native to the realm of sleep and beckon them to Entree Forest.Through the study of the Interdream Zone, Burnet made connections in other regions and eventually relocated to the Alola region to study Ultra Space. Alois remained in Unova to continue studying the Dream World with Fennel, and remaining in contact with Burnet to share their findings. The parallels between alternate dream worlds connected by the Interdream Zone and alternate physical worlds connected by Ultra Space are the bridge between their studies. While Professor Burnet has gotten married overseas, their work never sleeps.Recently, Alois has also provided research notes to a project in another region working on a device to monitor the dreams of humans, and test whether their unconscious taps into the same realm and powers that Pokémon do. Known as the Ligosomnia Engine, Fennel and Alois are in close contact with the creators in Aevium.

Made with @Nase_Nikyuu Picrew


--Trivia and headcanons about Alois--• Following the naming scheme of scientists in the series, Chamomile is a common tea that has sleep inducing properties.
• His first name meanwhile is from Alois Benjamin Saliger, inventor of the Psycho-Phone
• Cedric Juniper is Alois' maternal uncle, making Professor Juniper his cousin.
• Every type of Pokémon available in the Dream Radar, including those hidden by special codes and inserting copies of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver versions have been documented or captured from the Interdream Zone by Alois.
• The Dream Realm and Nightmare Badlands are areas from Pokémon Insurgence, which you can read more about here.
• The name Gnosis comes from the Greek word for knowledge, and also makes wordplay out of "Hypno"
• Ajna is the brow chakra in Hinduism, which is where the Third Eye rests
• Manpuku is the Japanese nickname for the Munchlax that is available for trade in Pokémon Black and White, as it's from the Sinnoh region


A collection of topics Alois researches alongside Fennel, Professor Burnet, and their other colleagues around the world.

The Dream World

Dreaming is commonly believed to be a function of the brain in processing information while we sleep. In antiquity, it was instead believed to be visions from another world that could be infiltrated by spirits. The truth is in the middle. Pokémon can perform a sort of astral projection and enter a parallel dimension which we refer to as the Dream World.Initially researchers believed the Dream World to be entirely immaterial, but further investigation by Fennel proved that items and even organisms originating in the Dream World could be conjured into ours. The psychology of sleeping Pokémon (or people who enter the Dream World using Dream Mist or other means) do not directly alter the landscape of the world, rather it changes their perception of it. Only specific, incredibly powerful Pokémon such as Cresselia and Darkrai can reshape that reality.Rather than sharing an expansive, collective space during their dreams, humans instead have individual locales shaped by their psyche called Dream Realms. Similar to the Dream World however, everything within their Dream Realms do physically exist in this parallel dimension, and can be brought to the real world through specific means. Entire small communities of humans (or facsimiles of humans) exist within the Dream Realms, though research has yet to determine if they are independent beings or simply extensions of their creator. If someone were to truly lose their memories from damage to the brain or the effects of moves like Dream Eater, the landscape and denizens of their Dream Realm can be erased and replaced. Repression of memories through medication or trauma will not have this effect.Certain locales in the real world have an intense connection to the Dream World and Dream Realms, and are thus best suited to being the site of summoning things from dreams. The Entree Forest of Unova is one such place, where Pokémon from the Dream World can be coaxed into our own world and captured. Interestingly, Pokémon from the Dream World always have their Hidden Ability (if possible) and cannot be shiny, while those from Dream Realms have no such guarantee or restriction.

The Interdream Zone

While all Pokémon do access a single cohesive Dream World, it is broken into personalized, parallel sections separated by the Interdream Zone. Much like the Dream World, the Interdream Zone has it's own inhabitants that are native to the unconscious world. Dreaming Pokémon do not normally interact with the Interdream Zone or it's denizens, as it's merely a space they pass through on the way to beginning their dreams. Strangely, some of the rarest species in the Dream World exist within the Interdream Zone, including the Therian forms of Thundurous, Tornadus, and Landorous, and such renown Pokémon as Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Ho-oh, and Lugia. Like other inhabitants of the Dream World, they all possess their Hidden Abilities. It is unknown if these specimen are manifestations of other Pokémon's memories of these powerful Pokémon, or exist entirely separated from their waking world counterparts. This could suggest the existence of a Dream Arceus that created the Sinnohan trio, or other Dream legendaries floating about the Zone.As the Dream World is separated by the Interdream Zone, human's Dream Realms are separated by the Nightmare Badlands. Thought to be where Darkrai spawns from, the Nightmare Badlands are an inhospitable waste that divides the individual spaces of each person's dreams. They are intended to deter people from invading the dreams of others, though as with the nature of dreams, sometimes the Badlands will shrink and allow easy passage between two Dream Realms at seemingly random.The Interdream Zone and Nightmare Badlands bear a striking resemblance to Ultra Space as noted by Professor Burnet, which prompted her to move to Alola to continue her research of other dimensions. She remains in close contact with her Unovan Colleagues so they can compare research.

The Dream Radar

A device created by Professor Burnet in collaboration with engineers from the Devon Corporation, the Dream Radar allows one to peer into and interact with the Interdream Zone from the waking world. An optimal environment needs to be created and controlled inside of a laboratory to use the Radar.A completely empty testing room must be entirely and tightly sealed to be used as a vacuum chamber. The operator enters the room wearing a pressure suit and oxygen tank much like and astronaut, and all air is drained from the room to remove all interfering gasses. Once the room is clear, it is filled with Dream Mist harvested from Musharna. The Dream Radar can then be pointed into the Mist, which acts like a portal to the Interdream Zone.Apparently readings from a Mega Gengar were used to create the Radar's scope mechanism, by collecting data on the transformed Ghost's third eye it uses to see into other dimensions. By scanning through purified Dream Mist, the same effect is achieved and allows view into the Interdream Zone, though it is severely limited in comparison.


Alois was never a trainer prior to becoming a scientist, but has since collected various Pokémon to aide in his research.

Munna, the Dream Eater Pokémon

While visiting the Dream Yard when Fennel was first setting up her operation, Alois captured a Munna to bring back to Burnet's lab. While a single Munna can't produce enough Dream Mist for their experiments, it's a handy source in emergencies, and a great pillow to hug.

Komala, the Comatose Pokémon

A gift from Professor Burnet after she relocated to the Alola Region, Alois has been studying Komala for some time. It's constant state of sleep puts it in connection with the Dream World at all times, and could provide some insight that simply watching a bedridden Pokémon could not.

Drowzee, the Hypnosis Pokémon

Perhaps the most well known sleep inducing Pokémon, this Drowzee was called forth from the Spooky Manor in the Dream World. Thus, it has the Hidden Ability Inner Focus.

Gastly, the Gas Pokémon☆

Encountered in White Forest while researching the locale's connection to Entree Forest and dreams of parallel worlds.

Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon

Another iconic Pokémon associated with sleeping, though it's more from laziness than a unique power like Komala. A foreign trainer from the Sinnoh region traded him to Alois in Undella Town. Often disobeys his commands, as he has no Gym badges.

All these species of Pokémon have been found and captured from within the Interdream Zone using the Dream Radar. All of them have their Hidden Abilities. They live around the lab or help either Fennel or Burnet with various tasks. Rotom and Porygon have taken residence inside Alois' cellphone.Alois has taken an interest into the appearance of three particular species: Porygon, Rotom, and Spiritomb. It's possible that multiple Porygon used their ability to traverse dimensions to enter the Dream World and reproduced there, creating native Dream Porygon. Rotom and Spiritomb are very peculiar though, as Rotom has no motorized devices to latch onto, and the ritual that binds spirits to an Odd Keystone is manmade, leaving Spiritomb with no clear origin. Perhaps other Pokémon dreamed them into existence?

While using the Dream Radar, Alois encountered several Legendary Pokémon that live within the Interdream Zone. He and Professor Burnet opted to not bring any of them to the real world due to the risks of their strength, but still collected data on them. As with the other Pokémon of the Interdream Zone, each was observed to be using their Hidden Ability.